Member-only story
What all body positivity supporters need to understand…It’s too thin now.
All bodies should be celebrated. Thin bodies too. But when there are far more standard size white women than anyone else the balance is wrong.
Too many standard size participants
It bothers me that the body positivity hashtag on Instagram has a large number of standard size bodies starting to appear. Yes, I know everything I I write is about how body positivity should celebrate all bodies but please hear me out! I’m not a hypocrite I swear. I am well aware that being thin does not mean that a person is necessarily happy with their body. I know everybody, regardless of size, has things they don’t like about their bodies and wish they could change. Do I want everyone to feel happy and beautiful and comfortable in their skin? YES! Of course!
I also know that the body positive space is home to amazing people in eating disorder recovery. In fact the very lady who led me to body positivity Megan Jayne Crabbe was anorexic and talks very candidly about it in her book. She has now put on weight and is a huge advocate for body positivity. I absolutely want others in recovery to join this space.