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What all body positivity supporters need to understand…it’s lost its way
It’s not stating it too strongly to say body positivity was my saviour. I will always be grateful to the pioneering women that led the way. I’m becoming disillusioned now though. Here’s why.
Those of you who read my earlier post around my discovery of body positivity will know it only happened a couple of years ago. By that time body positivity was a huge movement. It was all over social media, books, and starting to push into the mainstream.
Even now I am so excited by the idea of it. The idea that I can love and accept my body now, as it is, rather than when it’s at a societally acceptable weight. That I can finally hop off the dieting see-saw. Stop all the up/down/up/down with my weight. I can wear bright clothes or tight clothes or sexy clothes without feeling ridiculous or ashamed. I can put on makeup and feel pretty rather than looking at my body and thinking what’s the point? At last I can look in the mirror and actually like what I see rather than wanting to cry.
The Snag…
Even as I embraced the movement wholeheartedly though I started to feel a twinge of disquiet in the back of my mind. This was a place…