The Number 1 Way To Ruin Your Trip

Travel Anxiety

Claire McGregor
8 min readJan 9, 2023
Photo Courtesy of Author

Would you like to ruin something you spent a fortune on and looked forward to for years? Welcome to travel anxiety! Just before Christmas, I went on my dream holiday. When I say dream holiday, it’s a holiday I have wanted to take since I was about 14. Where you ask? New York City of course! It wasn’t just going to New York, though; it was going to New York at Christmas.

Ever since I saw Home Alone 2, I have longed to go to New York at Christmas. I wanted to see all the places in the movie. I wanted to see Central Park, the Statue of Liberty, the decorations on 5th Avenue, and of course, the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Centre.

My Dream Holiday

We had the money together to go to New York over three years ago. But, unfortunately, the first year, I didn’t have enough holidays at work. Nonetheless, I was sure I’d be able to take my holiday next year but didn’t realise that Covid was hiding around the corner, like some pantomime villain.

So, three years and a worldwide pandemic later, I booked my trip! I told everyone that I didn’t care if New York was a smoking crater in the ground. I was going this year! I did endless research before booking the flight and hotel and planning an itinerary of places Mike and I most wanted to see.



Claire McGregor

I’m a writer taking my time to learn what good writing’s about and get my blog off the ground. I want to connect and learn. My Blog