Thank you for sharing and I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this. Not having universal healthcare must be absolutely awful. The NHS in the UK has it’s problems but at the very least everyone’s basic needs are covered.
For me, it’s hard to tell if the meds help with my constant low mood, some days i think they do but it might also be other things like getting more exercise that are doing it. They do definitely stop me sliding into bouts of additional depression so I stay on them.
It’s ridiculous how som people think it’s a given that we know about illnesses isn’t? On my husband’s last day of high school a teacher was looking over his records then casually remarked “oh, did we never get around to sending you for that dyslexia test?” Major facepalm moment! I also suspect he has ADD and we’re trying to get a diagnosis.
I know it’s tough sometimes and you really can “what if” yourself to death. All you can do is take it one day at a time and do your best. Sending hugs.