Member-only story
Tarot For Self Care Exercise 1
Who’s Excited !?
Last time I shared my favourite tarot creators and now I have officially dived into our book of the season, Tarot For Self Care by Minerva Siegel. (I get nothing if you buy the book, I’m just adding the link in case you want to try it). I’m keen to get started and share all my findings with you. I hope you’ll find it fun and at least a little bit helpful.
The Beginning
Siegel seems to have approached this book as if the reader were a complete beginner. I think this is a sensible approach as experienced readers can skim the bits they know and new readers won’t be put off by coming across concepts they don’t understand. She starts be explaining what tarot is and how to care for your cards. One thing I found when I started researching tarot online is that there is a WHOLE LOT of bs out there. Some people tend to trot out their own opinion as fact and almost gate keep tarot as if it were their job. ( Hint, it isn’t!)
CAUTION. This bit discusses more mystical/spiritual practices and if it gets too woo-woo for you please move on. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable so please, you do you. 😃 I do believe tarot cards can be affected by our energy and that of anyone who has held them so when I get a new deck the first thing I do is a smoke cleanse.