Tarot For Burnout

An Illuminating 5 Card Advice Spread

Claire McGregor
5 min readFeb 21, 2024
Photo by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash

Hi All, it’s Wednesday and I’m not going to lie, I am not doing that well. I am exhausted and emotional and feel in desperate need of a break. I’m sure a lot of you can relate! I feel like I’m teetering on the verge of burnout and as I don’t seem to be able to come tup with any fixes on my own, I did a search on Pinterest for a tarot for burnout spread.

Why I’m Burned Out

I have talked about it in other posts but I’m not going to assume you’ve read them so here’s a recap. I have chronic fatigue so energy is always a big issue for me. I was gradually trying to be a bit healthier this year so I started eating better and actually going to the gym. Then, two weeks ago the crap storm started.

I am convinced my husband has undiagnosed ADD or ASD and possibly dyslexia. He definitely has severe anxiety issues. He goes through cycles of having problems at work and struggles with any criticism. He had a big anxiety attack a couple of weeks ago so he’s been off since. Unfortunately sick pay at his workplace isn’t great so as well as giving him emotional support I’ve also been a little pried about money.

I work a full time job and a part time job. The part time job is great in that I am free to work as many hours as I wish. It means I can partially…



Claire McGregor

I’m a writer taking my time to learn what good writing’s about and get my blog off the ground. I want to connect and learn. My Blog https://www.cmoomuses.com