Roe vs Wade Is Gone and I’m Heartbroken

This Is A Dark Day For Women Everywhere

Claire McGregor
3 min readJun 26, 2022
Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

I’m writing to you from my heart today, and that heart is broken. I sit here in shocked disbelief that a first-world country that styles itself as the leader of the free world could take such a massive step backwards for human rights. I am, of course, talking about Roe vs Wade being repealed, and the despicable legislation already in place across multiple states means women will have to travel hundreds of miles to access abortion services.

I honestly thought I might cry if this awful day ever happened but I haven’t. I’m so angry and upset and worried for all the women and children who will fall victim to this terrible injustice that I’ve reached a place beyond tears. This unforgiveable change will mean:

  • Approximately 36 million women in America will be denied access to an abortion in their state
  • A significant portion of these women will lak the means to travel to another state and so will carry their pregnancy to term
  • Many women will try to manage abortions themselves using medication. This is a relatively safe procedure but should still be carried out under medical supervision. If the whole lining does not detach it can lead to infections, sepsis and in extreme cases, death



Claire McGregor

I’m a writer taking my time to learn what good writing’s about and get my blog off the ground. I want to connect and learn. My Blog