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Not Sure How To Be An Ally To Fat Friends?
Here are some tips you can use every day
Today we’re going to talk about how to support fat friends, and fat folks in general. I know you might feel that you aren’t anti-fat or fatphobic but, much as people of colour told us during the black lives matter campaigns, if you’re not actively opposing the problem then you’re part of the problem. Here are a few ways you can show up for your fat friends and try and make the world a better place for fat people.
Stop Discussing Weight Loss Diets
In almost any group nowadays, even groups including men, diet is an inevitable part of the discussion. Which diets you’re on, which you’ve tried, how fat you feel, and how great x looks since they lost weight. If your friend is a fat person who truly wants to step away from diet culture then they don’t need to hear this, and newsflash, neither do you!
You need to realise as much as they do how toxic the thin agenda that society promotes really is, and how many mental health problems and eating disorders it causes. Think about yourself and be honest about how much of the joy it has stolen from your own life.
Try to banish diet talk from you topics, and if you’re with friends who go there, tell them they don’t need to diet. Tell them how…