I Love You Even If You Hate Me…

Choose Love Not Hate

Claire McGregor
4 min readFeb 9, 2023
Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

Another unusual post is coming your way, but I feel that considering the level of hatred in the world, love is an important message. The message to choose love not hate is crucial. On any given day, the newspapers and social media are flooded with stories of hate, and it breaks my heart.

It’s Not Love; Hatred Is All Around

We have:

It’s hideous, and it makes me so sad. We have never had access to so much information at any point in history. It has never been so easy to connect with people around the world and learn about their views, customs and way of life.

But instead of approaching others with open minds and hearts, it seems many use these differences as an excuse to spew the vilest…



Claire McGregor

I’m a writer taking my time to learn what good writing’s about and get my blog off the ground. I want to connect and learn. My Blog https://www.cmoomuses.com