Fault vs Responsibility 101. It May Not Be Your Fault…

But It IS Your Responsibility To Fix It!

Claire McGregor
4 min readOct 2, 2022
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Today I want to talk about fault vs responsibility. This topic has been rolling around my head for a while, and it always gets worse when I talk to my mother and stepfather. In case I haven’t made it clear before, one of the things that frustrate me most about them is their victim mentality. They have had problems in their lives, and I’m not disputing that. Here’s a rough breakdown.

  • Both of them have suffered from chronic clinical depression
  • Neither was happy living in the other’s home town
  • My mum has a lot of health problems, and can be difficult
  • My stepfather apparently LOVED his job in his home town and HATED the one he had for 20+ years in my mum’s town
  • They’ve never had much money

Obviously, it’s way more complex than that, but it gives you an idea. You may feel sorry for them, but seriously, don’t!

Why I’m Being So Mean



Claire McGregor

I’m a writer taking my time to learn what good writing’s about and get my blog off the ground. I want to connect and learn. My Blog https://www.cmoomuses.com