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FAT! 10 Things I Hate About My Size. Part 1
Or more accurately, I hate people’s response to it!
Please don’t worry about the title of today’s post. I haven’t relapsed and allowed society’s unrealistic beauty standards to sink their claws into me again. I’m not going to be writing about hating myself because I don’t — I’m awesome! Instead, I wanted to explain all the things I hate about how my body is treated because of its size. The assumptions, misconceptions and outright bias against fat people. At best the items in this list are unacceptable and at worst they’re outright dangerous. Buckle in for part 1!
1. People Assume I’m Lazy
Why is it that fatness is automatically seen as a person being lazy? That I cannot possibly exercise if I’m so big? WRONG! I do exercise. I try to exercise every day even if it’s just a walk and go to the gym 3–4 times per week. For decades society has been fed the utter BS that weight loss is as simple as eat less and move more.
That means if a person is fat they’re too lazy to exercise. This is absolutely untrue. What we weigh has been proven to be far more complex than that and lots of variables, both physical and psychological, play a part.