Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

10 Facts You Should Know

Claire McGregor
5 min readNov 20, 2022
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

In addition to depression and/or dysthymia, I also suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. My doctor assures me that it will go eventually, but more than ten years on, I’m still waiting. It’s a challenging condition to live with but what’s worse is that there are still many people who believe it isn’t real.

So, as I have my blog, I’m going to clear up the crap about this condition.

1. The Symptoms Are Very Real

I’m lucky that I only have a moderate severity of chronic fatigue syndrome. I can still go to work, although it’s tough some days. I look after my house and pets. However, even a moderate level affects my quality of life. I am tired all day. From the moment I get up to the moment I go to sleep. I can sleep four hours or fourteen, and I will still yawn constantly when I wake.

If I do too much in a day, all my muscles ache like I have the flu. By “too much”, I don’t mean a day-long hike or an intense exercise class. It might be hoovering the ground floor of my house, or walking to the supermarket and back.

The part I hate worst is brain fog. I’ve always been intelligent and fairly quick thinking. Now it feels like my brain is wrapped in cotton wool. Reasoning and working things out are so much harder. I forget…



Claire McGregor

I’m a writer taking my time to learn what good writing’s about and get my blog off the ground. I want to connect and learn. My Blog