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Bare Boobs — Why I’m Furious About The Response To Adidas’ New Ad
Warning! Boobs ahoy!
BEFORE YOU READ FURTHER…There will be images of naked breasts in this article. If you feel seeing this would traumatise you feel free to skip on.
Yes, that’s right, today I’m talking bare boobs. Or breasts, tits, knockers, chebs or any other slang expression you might use. Sports brand Adidas has been making headlines due to its campaign advertising its new line in sports bras. However, rather than showing the bras being worn by a sportsperson or the latest celebrity, it shows a range of bare breasts. Here’s the ad in question:
Why I Love It
Besides our own, how often do we ladies really see other womens’ breasts? I don’t mean in movies or porn, because frankly, I don’t consider them particularly representative of the average woman’s bare boobs. Many have had augmentation surgery, they all belong to thin women unless it’s fetish porn, and they aren’t generally saggy, or post-mastectomy, or wrinkled. If you’re anything like me, you almost never see the average woman’s boobs.